Fourth: Silica Sand


1- Al-Najaf al-Ashraf Governorate

Deposits of sand suitable for the manufacturing of glass and colored glass of good specifications are available at Al-Najaf Governorate.

Location They are located at a distance of (45) km to the northwest of Al-Najaf City.


  • (220) million m3 of sand deposits suitable for glass industry.
  • (385) million m3 of sand deposits suitable for the industry of colored glass.

Purpose These deposits are used for the manufacturing of glass and colored glass.


2- Anbar Governorate

Silica sand deposits are available in Iraq in large quantities and good characteristics which can be used for different industrial purposes, the most important of these industries are the industry of glass, thermostone, plumbing and different silicon products manufacturing.

The deposits are located in Anbar Governorate at:

  • Ga'ara location (80 km to the north of Ar-Rutba City).
  • Wadi Amij (30 km to the north of Kilo 160).
  • Urdhuma (18 km to the west of Ar-Rutba City).

Reserve  The total amount of reserves for the above-mentioned locations is more than (330) million m3.

Purpose Used for the industry of glass, thermostone and silicon industries.


3- Al-Najaf al-Ashraf Governorate

The required investment in this governorate is to establish a plant for feldspathic sandstone process and beneficiation in order to market this raw material commercially for various industrial purposes.

The deposits are located at a distance of (25) km to the northwest of Al-Najaf al-Ashraf City.

Reserve  The available reserve at the study area is (7) million tons.

Purpose Feldspar (a aluminosilicate mineral) is of economic significance as it is used in many industries. The most important of these are the industry of glass and ceramic, abrasive materials industry and as a filling material in the industry of plastic, paint, rubber and in the industry of electric insulators.



  For more details:-

Ministry of Industry and Minerals       

  Iraq Geological Survey







Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining

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