investigation of mineral resources


 Iraq Geological Survey considered a pioneer in the field of Mineral investigation, with its specialized cadres it carries out prospecting work, exploring mineral resources, calculating the quantity of the reserve, and indicating its suitability for different industries, investigation works carried out in two main stages, which are:

1- prospecting: - this stage include calculating the speculative reserve calculation for mineral resources, this stage include several steps:-

- Interpretation of aerial and satellite images.

- making surface geological maps.

- Reginal Geochemical surveys.

- Reginal Geophysical surveys.

- Preliminary mining studies.

2- Exploration: - this stage includes complete and intensive investigations to evaluate the quantity, quality, mining conditions and economic feasibility of the explored mineral resources, this stage include several steps, which are:-

- Detailed surface and subsurface maps.

- Detailed Geochemical and Geophysical surveys.

- Systematic drilling works.

- Systematic Samples works.

- Detailed feasibility study.

After completing these two stages, a complete perception of the quantity and quality of the required raw material will be formed, noting that these works (prospecting and Exploration) implement for both Public and Private sectors and according to a contract containing all the details and implantation costs.

Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining

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